Saturday 13 March 2010

What is home? What do you think makes a place “home” for a person? What is the difference between a place you happen to live and a place you think of as home? Is it a history? Does it depend on other people? What is the relationship of home and family? Is home defined by an internal feeling or by external conditions?
Where is your home and why?
I want you to feel  free to say what you think thank you.:)

Friday 12 March 2010

A Scottish tartan is woven with history, with a warp and weft of tradition, heritage and hardship that stretches back to the mists of time.
It is one of the most recognizable things associated with Scotland, a symbol of belonging, of patriotism, of pride.
To be a Scot is to be fiercely proud, notes the Utah Scottish Association. And a deep and abiding part of that pride is expressed in the clan association and the wearing of that clan's tartan, says Bob Gallimore, a member of the board of the association.

This is the formal Ethiopian dress we where this closes in specially occasion when you pot it on it gives you a different feeling that you belong to it and you also feel very special. Ethiopians have a lots of respect to it and also there are different traditional closing with in Ethiopia but different tribes have there own traditional close me personally wearing the close make me fill very emotional as I am here and no wane really understand the closing I cant just put it on go outside as people will stare and ask to many equations I always pot it on when I am at home and it reminds me of home and all the happy memories.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Home is where you sense you belong.

I think that home is where your family and friends are. I come from West Virginia, but my home is so far away. I think that where you can interact in a community with peers and people general get along pretty nicely with each other to make for a splendid place. Home is something that everyone must define for themselves because everyone comes from somewhere different.

Home is where you feel safe and secure. this includes the house you live in, the school you go to or any place that invokes these feelings.

Home is the place that when you go there, the people there are happy to see you and you’re happy to see them. It doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with family. For some people, family does not make you feel safe or loved. Robert Frost said home is the place where, when you go there, they have to take you in. Maybe. But I’d argue it’s the place you want to be and where the people there want you to be there, too.

What is ‘home” and what is “the place we live in”?I think there is a difference between this 2 notions. when i hear the word “home” in my mind comes the image of my childhood, my parents, my friends and our games played together. “home” is my village with green forests, and sweet water, with fresh clean air and blue other words “home” is the place where i was born and grew up. now I live other place. Its the same nature, the same sky, the same sun but the feeling is other.I feel comfortable at this place but “home” i feel at my ease. by “home” we are strong attached. Its a special feeling. It seems that, that ground and that water is special. And we cant take it with us. We only can keep this “special world” in our mind and our soul. My “home” is very attractive. I have a big garden with all kind of sweet fruits and vegetables. I have a small lake in the middle of my garden where i can do fishing, and swiming, and “home” i have a mother who is allways waiting for me with a missing heart, open arms, warm smile and kind soul.she is a unic person in this world whom I love the most in this life. My mother is my home. And my home is my house with her living in it. Nothing in this world compares with “home”

I believe that home is where you feel the safest and the most comfortable. For example, if you are somewhere where you don’t want to be, most people say “I just want to go home.” Going home will let them feel safe and secure. Home usually includes family and people that you are most comfortable with (like your friends), but it doesn’t have to. You can even have multiple “homes.” One home could be where you originate from, and another could be your college apartment with your friends. “Home” really depends on where you feel the most comfortable and where you like to go over any other place in the world.

Home, to me, is Ethiopia. It is where i was born and grew up. It is the place I have the most connections to both physically and more importantly emotionally. Of course the idea of home changes from person to person. For me, it is where my family is as i am close to them and i feel natural when i am around them. Studying overseas in a forgein country, i am surrounded by foreign issues, ideas and products. This makes me feel disconnected to some extent. I feel like a fish out of water, trying to make a new friend base and get some roots. It is because of these feelings that West London is not home to me, the idea of home is largely based on the emotional connections one has. It is where we feel we belong, a place where we feel is natural to us. I also have family in England and we have often visited there when i was growing up. I call England my ‘second home’, as i have strong connections to family and places there. It has been an integral part in my childhood and therefore i feel comfortable there and it feels natural when i am there.

I believe home is anywhere that you can be yourself. I believe in the saying “Home is where the heart is”. My home is with my family. I feel safe when i am there, and i believe that my home is with the people i love the most. Home is being with your family on holidays and sharing a big holiday dinner. Home is when you think of all your childhood memories. It doesn’t matter if home is in a apartment, mansion, trailor, or just a normal house. Home is where you feel safe and where you relate to someone the most. Home is somewhere where you can leave and still come back to and still feel like that is your home.

Home is it a thought or a feeling, physical or mental? Can you be away from where you live and be at home? It’s an interesting concept when you think about it. What makes home, home? I’ve heard time in and time out that “Home is where your heart is.” If that is true could everywhere be your home? Is this quote talking about the place you love or actually the location where your heart is? For me home is a physical thing as well as a feeling you get. I get to my house and I know I am home. I get back from a trip back into Mt. Pleasant and first thing I say, “Wow sure am glad to be home.” When my sister went off to college and bought a house her home wasn’t with us no more it was there so does that building you call your “house” home? Yes and then again No. Like I said home is a physical thing as well as a feeling you get. The feeling I am relating to is that feeling of comfort your “comfort zone.” We grow up in a house with family that we are used to and comfortable around. Once we get to know others and their family we grow comfortable with them and that’s when you hear “make yourself at home.” From this we can conclude that home is your comfort zone. Once you get comfortable to a new place like a different town, school, state, or country we can then say we are finally home.